Modern Slavery Act Statement

This statement constitutes The Marketing Café’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st October 2020.

Although TMC considers the inherent risk of encountering modern slavery or human trafficking within its business, supply chain and partnerships to be very low, it is nonetheless an issue that we take seriously. We take measures to support and reinforce TMC’s commitment to ensuring that no slavery or human trafficking is present in our supply chain or own business.

We ask new and existing suppliers if they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and show a preference for trading with those who are, and we are not aware of any slavery of human trafficking being present in any part of our supply chain throughout the world.

TMC conduct face-to-face training for all office-based employees to emphasise the importance of ethical conduct and our social values. Guidance on the Modern Slavery Act is incorporated through communication and future training.