Episode 3
In episode 3 of The Edit by TMC, Ian talks about how to gain success when advertising your B2B company on LinkedIn.
Video transcript
Hello and welcome back to The Edit.
Today I would like to share with you some insights on what works best for video adverts on LinkedIn.
When I was at VidCon I attended an industry track, that was presented by LinkedIn, that revealed some ‘hot off the press’ statistics on what works best when it comes to B2B adverts on their platform. So, let’s get started.
There are 3 key mistakes that LinkedIn have highlighted with brand videos on their platform.
The first one is homogeneous intros. Introductions that are all very similar to each other in order to get the brand across.
Secondly, the use of too much text. You should try and keep the use of text, if needs be, to an absolute minimum.
Thirdly, animated GIFs, these have been overused throughout the years and do not engage audiences.
According to LinkedIn the main tips for B2B adverts are:
Make sure you use video, as much as possible as they work better than still images.
You should make ads impactful and highly visual.
Any stats and detailed information should go in the copy above the advert, not the advert itself.
Faces on camera often work well, and you should use strong and emotive facial expressions, possibly actors.
People respond to people, so adverts based around thought leadership, interviews and dialogue can work really well.
With 79% of videos played with no sound, it’s important to use subtitles of well-executed silent video.
Google regularly uses case studies from their customers, and these have been proven to work really well. If you have happy clients I’m sure you could do the same.
To make people click you should aim to tease, surprise of create mystery.
So there you go, these are the main findings according to LinkedIn’s own B2B advertising research. A lot of it may seem obvious, but it’s useful to get the guidelines from LinkedIn themselves.
All I would say is, all the best with your future LinkedIn advertising. Try and bear these steps in mind, and I’m sure you will do really well.
Thanks for watching.