brand videos

video production london
Posted by | January 29, 2015
Dump the video script

At The Marketing Café we often produce client videos in London and elsewhere that involve interviews with key members of staff. Every time we do this we come across a...

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Posted by | August 10, 2014
Why we use Wistia for video

Video marketing has really come of age lately with businesses and brands across a wide spectrum now embracing the medium and setting aside realistic marketing budget to get it right....

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video interview
Posted by | June 10, 2014
The Corporate Video Interview

As marketers increasingly realise the power of video for brand communications it is inevitable that key staff will be expected to get in front of the camera and perform. At...

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Posted by | May 30, 2014
Third-party content on YouTube

Most of our clients use YouTube to host their videos and they have their own channels. However, once a video is uploaded you often find annoying adverts playing over them...

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